First up ~ Crazy Quilting. For my Attitude of Gratitude block this month, I'm working on the theme of 'Giggles'. I've chosen this so it will remind me of a lovely night spent with my daughter and my other half ~ nothing fancy but we watched a film, had bits and bobs of finger food and shared some giggles. I've decided that the centre of each block will be a little stitchery as I enjoyed all the stitcheries I done on the run-up to Christmas. The block itself isn't finished yet, but here's a little peek at the planning stage of the stitchery bit ~ you'll have to wait for the rest.
I've also signed up to two Round Robins over at Crazy Quilting International, a novice one and one titled Under the Sea so I'm waiting to get the schedule details of those.
As for the other bits of craftiness they're on hold until I finish organising my stash, which has gotten a little out of hand to be honest!! So, I've gone through all my stamps and put them in categories, they now have a drawer each. I may have made a little mistake in letting my daughter make the Dymo labels though ~ she thought it would be a great idea to personalise them for me ~ Faeries became Scaeries and my Wheely Stamps in the bucket photo became Kneely Cramps (quite appropriate for me!) and those are just the ones I can really share!!
I thought I was doing really well and then my Christmas present from Phil came (I know it's a bit late but it came all the way from the US of A!) it was a mystery box from Prima ~ apparently a lot of the craft companies in the States have a warehouse sale at the end of the season to clear out that stock and make way for the new season's stuff coming in. Prima, and Maya Road is another, do a sort of mystery box, you buy a box but don't know what exactly it will contain until it arrives. They are really good value and obviously very popular in the US, there are lots of YouTube videos of people opening theirs. The drawback with getting them from overseas is obviously the postage and the worry about possible import taxes, so I looked into the tax bit quite seriously and realised that the Prima box would be under the taxable threshold and as Phil was at a loss as to what to get me, we bit the bullet! Well it arrived and I'm really impressed ~ Phil said I looked like a little girl opening my present and going through all the goodies inside!!

There were allsorts! Stamps, stickers, vintage metal embellishments, stencils, rub-on's and of course Prima flowers too. I think I may just have to buy another next time round ......... Does mean that I've had to buy a few more storage boxes to keep it all in!!
Speaking of flowers, there's a new challenge up at Craft All Day ( it is to include handmade flowers on a project, obviously that means I can't cheat and use my new goodies but it does mean I can try out making some for myself! I feel that may be the next post......
Thanks for reading :)
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